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Our Services
Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Diagnostics & Psychometrics

We can provide an extensive list of tests and assessments to our clients.

Tests being used by current clients include; SHL, EQi, Cut-e, "Strengths", Career Pathfinder and the old-reliable ones like Myers Briggs and Belbin's Self Perception Inventory.

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Skills & Behavioural Assessments

CJHNetwork is an SHL Business Partner in Ireland for all Talent Management Solutions including Online Assessments

For further details on the extensive range of Assessments available please click below to view our talent management page.

What do I want to be when I grow up?

This is an on-line service aimed at three categories of people:

Employees who are at a crossroads in their life

Unemployed people who need additional information for interview preparation

Students who are making choices about subject and university choices.

The process is simple, make contact through the web page or by mail and we will provide a number of tests to suit your situation. Once completed, you will be given feedback by phone or face to face. You will also be given assistance with web pages, subjects, universities and career options. We can hook you up with practitioners in most job types who will give you first-hand information about the job you may be interested in.

Image by Patrick Perkins

Ready to implement lasting change in your organisation?

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