Recruiter Licenses for the SHL Skills Assessments provides 1200 assessments for use over one year €1,287. (exc. vat)
Price is based on a combined, product catalogue of both Kx and SHL skills tests is €1925 (exc. vat) for one year.
Prices for Perspectives start at €55 (exc. vat) and volume discounts are available depending on numbers purchased.
CJHNetwork are delighted to offer all Recruitment Speacialist Businesses the opportunity to purchase the SHL Skillsand or Behavioural tests at a very reduced rate for an annual license. These rates allow you to purchase the tests at less than one third of the price per assessmemt. Please see full details below.
We would be delighted to send you a sample of any of the tests that you are interested in using. Full list availabel in the catalogue via link:
Provides access to site for up to 12 moths from site launch date
Site limited to Workforce Development and/or Staffing Firms only.
Available for Kx Skills and Kx Behavioural tests only Kx Executive behavioural catalogue excl7uded.
Please contact CJHNetwork for a quote and get your account set up in a matter of days.
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